OPEN CALL – Autumn Residency

fig.1 - OPEN CALL – Autumn Residency Atelier Luca Soudant

In collaboration with Borderland Residencies, Greylight Projects launches an open call for a three-month residency in Heerlen, the Netherlands (from September 1 to November 30, 2022). Artists based in the Netherlands and Germany are invited to apply.

Borderland Residencies ( is an Euregional network of art institutions and through residencies, co-productions and field trips the network aims to reposition the region within Europe.

Guided by the open-ended question “Where are we now?” Greylight Projects invites artists to reflect on the relationships between art, space, time and the public. How do we experience the changing (mental) architecture we inhabit? How does the fluid self engage with spaces of everyday life? How can art reflect on spatial and temporal relations? 

The residency takes place at Greylight Projects in Heerlen, the Netherlands. The artist is invited to give a presentation of the artist’s practice at the start of the residency as an introduction to the public and interested members of the cultural field.

The form of a final public presentation will be determined during the residency. The artist will be guided by the team of Greylight Projects throughout the residency.

Two artists – one from Germany and one from the Netherlands – will be selected by an international jury.

>> More information about the residency and how to apply can be find here:  2022-opencall-AutumnResidency.pdf

  • The artists will be selected by an external jury committee.
  • The selected artist is requested to be present on site during the residency.
  •  The artists are expected to take part in Borderland Residencies field trips and other activities
  • Greylight Projects assigns a budget for the residency and provides a private room and a workspace.

location: Greylight Projects, Heerlen, the Netherlands

deadline:  Monday July 18, 2022, midnight CET

date: September – November 2022

If you have any questions about this open call, please contact us by sending an email:


date: 09.06.2022 - 19.07.2022
opening hours: tags: /
category: archive / 2022 / Heerlen