new artist in residence: Arthur Cordier

fig.1 - new artist in residence: Arthur Cordier Arthur Cordier. Enseigne Liquide, Goudron lumineux. Exhibition view, FRICHE. Brussels. 2016

IKOB and Greylight Projects are pleased to announce artist Arthur Cordier as the winner of our open call for the Very Contemporary residency and artist project. Arthur was chosen by a jury consisting of VC members Maurice Funken (NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein) Brenda Guesnet (IKOB – Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst), Wouter Huis (Greylight Projects) and Alicja Melzacka (CIAP Kunstverein).⁣⁣
Arthur’s practice tackles the aesthetics of bureaucracy, entrepreneurship, and efficiency through relational, situational and context-specific works. They often self-reflect upon artistic practice and the entangled economies of art in a production-driven society. ⁣⁣
In addition to his practice he co-initiates the studio & project space The Balcony (NL), and contributes as guest curator to Art au Centre Liège (BE).⁣⁣
We are looking forward to welcoming Arthur to the region and seeing his project develop in the coming months. Watch this space for further updates on his work!⁣⁣
More information about the works of Arthur Cordier you can have a look at his website.

date: 02.09.2021 category: archive / 2021 / Heerlen