Open call: research residency Performing Landscapes 2024

fig.1 - Open call: research residency Performing Landscapes 2024

focus: performance, sound, happening, lecture, talk, walk, tour, gathering, storytelling, intervention, motion, movement, dance, spoken word, poetry, durational

Deadline: 15th of March 2024  

Description:  Open call for two residencies of three months (May-July 2024) in the context of the cross border performance festival Performing Landscapes that will occur the 7th of September in Liège (BE). The residency is a co-production by Greylight Projects, platform for art and culture in Heerlen (NL) and Art Au Centre, non-profit organization for contemporary art in Liège (BE).

The residency takes place in the framework of the performance art festival “Performing landscapes 2024” initiated by Very Contemporary, a network between different art spaces and museums in the border region of the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine. 

The residency invites artists to reflect on the particularities of the Euregio-Meuse-Rhine region and its landscapes, exploring new perspectives on the particular urban and rural territories in the border triangle. Responding to the various landscapes, their borders, their history and their possible futures.

The project may address or reflect themes that will revolve around ways of questioning the cross border territory : sustainability and resources (natural, human, economical, etc) ; post-industrialism landscapes (architecture, ecology, transition, social, etc.) ; multicultural and historical heritage (language, knowledge, micro histories, etc) ; geopolitics topics link to the territory (communications, routes and migration) ; place of water in the landscape.

The focus of the residency is on research and developing a new work in this context. The artist is invited to give a public presentation of their practice in Greylight Projects in the beginning of the residency as an introduction to the interested members of the cultural field. The residency period will take place at Greylight Projects in Heerlen, with a final public presentation at Greylight Projects as well as in Liège as part of the programmation of the performance festival that will occur on the 7th of September 2024. The artist(s) will be guided by the teams of both Greylight Projects and Art au Centre throughout the residency. 

For all application details download the info sheet                         


To apply, send us the following documents (in English) in ONE SINGLE PDF FILE (10 Mb max.) by email to:

The document must contain the following information:

– a short text about your motivations for the residency (500 words max)
– a curriculum vitae with your contact details (email, telephone, address, website)
– images of recent works (with captions)
– a short text describing your artistic practice.
(For new media, please insert links to look at videos or to listen to sound tracks within the pdf.) 

Deadline for applications March 15th 2024 at midnight 

The results will be communicated by email shortly after the deadline.

Start of the residency: May 2024
Suration: 3 months 

  • studio information: an open studio space of approximately 25m2
  • accommodation information: the accommodation is at Greylight Projects in Heerlen (consisting in a private room, with shower on the corridor and a shared kitchen)
  • expected outcome: research and production of a new work that will be presented during the Performing Landscapes festival.
  • engagement : the artist must be on site at least 3 days per week or equivalent during the 3 months, being available on the 7th of September for the Festival presentation. 
  • paid by host: a fee of 1000, – euro and depending on the needs there is a production budget available till a max. 500, – euro.
  • paid by the artist: insurances, travel expenses, food
  • languages spoken: English              

download this information as a pdf: 2024 – OPEN CALL – ARTIST IN RESIDENCY – performing landscapes.pdf

date: 01.02.2024 - 15.03.2024
opening hours: category: archive / 2024 / Heerlen