platform for arts & culture

Talk & Walk - Claude Horstmann

Woensdag 10 mei van 19:00

Talk & Walk is een serie ontmoetingen met de kunstenaars die werkzaam zijn bij Greylight Projects in Heerlen. Tijdens de Talk & Walk sessies vertellen de kunstenaars over werk en hun project in Heerlen.

De tweede Talk & Walk sessie is dinsdag 10 mei vanaf 19:00 met kunstenares Claude Horstmann. 

U bent van harte welkom om deze sessie bij te wonen. Horstmann zal vertellen over haar werk in het algemeen en over het werk wat ze momenteel doet in Heerlen.

Horstmann woont en werkt in Stuttgart en Marseille. Zij studeerde kunstgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Osnabrueck (M.A.) en Schone kunsten aan de Kunstacademie van de deelstaat Stuttgart. Claude Horstmann ontving verschillende beurzen en residenties in Duitsland en daarbuiten, o.a. van het Ministerie van Wetenschap, Onderzoek en Kunst Baden-Württemberg, Ville de Marseille en Ville de Strasbourg. Haar laatste solotentoonstellingen vonden plaats in Laura Mars Gallery (Berlijn), Goethe-Institut Lyon, Centre International de Poésie (Marseille). Ze nam onder meer deel aan groepstentoonstellingen in Stuttgart, Berlijn, Saint-Étienne en Marseille.

Het werk van Horstmann op het gebied van tekenen, beeldhouwen, tekst, performance en fotografie is vaak gebaseerd op uiteenlopende materialen, met name geïnspireerd door stedelijke contexten. De kunstenares behandelt deze thema’s ook via performatieve lezingen en workshops. Ze schrijft: ¨Teken, laag, gebaar, afdruk, notatie, superpositie: we laten sporen na. Op een bepaalde manier kan men zeggen dat ‘alles getekend is’. […] We kunnen er niet omheen sporen achter te laten. Alles is getekend – en deze transformatie van de werkelijkheid is diepgaand en blijvend.”

Meer informatie over haar werk kunt u vinden op haar website:

De komende Talk & Walk sessies maken een verbinding met de huidige tentoonstelling in SCHUNCK – ‘Keith Haring: Grace House Mural’. In de tentoonstelling staat met name het vroege werk van de kunstenaar centraal, evenals het spontane en performatieve karakter van Harings oeuvre. Zijn werkwijze om in de openbare ruimte te werken of juist op de omgeving te reageren, sluiten aan bij de uitgangspunten van Greylight Projects en #mappingheerlen. Ook wordt in het verlengde hiervan de huidige kijk op de stad en de regio onderzocht.

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free entrance / gratis entree
language: English
date: Tuesday 10.05.2022 , 19:00-20:30
location: Schaesbergerweg 58, 6415 AJ, Heerlen



ONGOIGN in Brussels:

Eva Gold & Elisabeth Molin

Greylight Projects Brussels
Eva Gold & Elisabeth Molin
Curated by: Brenda Guesnet
In collaboration with Lock Up International
Open by appointment from 28.04 – 22.05.2022
Location: 1180 Brussels, exact location communicated upon booking



'A defense' an exhibition by Emile Hermans

Greylight Projects is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Emile Hermans titled A Defense. Early 2021, during a sars-cov-2 lockdown, the artist conducted a two-month residency at Greylight Projects and the results of this residency forms the exhibition A Defense.

A Defense is Emile Hermans´ response to the pandemic and how we had to adapt to the world-wide implemented restrictions: lockdowns, face masks, social distancing, etc. The artist says: ¨It made me rethink isolation and its impact on the mind – something I have always been interested in and somehow idealized.¨

The artist has a fascination for bastioned fortifications; beyond their once – assumed – power to protect, their geometry has an aesthetic quality that still endures – especially seen from above, away from the hustle bustle on the ground – despite the ravages of time. These once mighty forts have turned into ruins, remnants have become buried deep into the fabric of a 21st century settlement (Maastricht, for example).

Can we have an aesthetic experience of what’s left of these forts – their abstract geometry – now their original function has been lost to a past? Moreover, can an aesthetic experience of abstract geometry – idealized as symmetry and harmony – offer consolation in times of social isolation and the violation of bodily integrity?

Emile Hermans (1988; is a Maastricht-based artist. He has a BFA from the Academy of Fine Arts Maastricht (2015) and a MFA from LUCA School of Arts Brussels (2017). He is a member of the collectives Nowhere Collective and Center for Artistic Sensibilities.

opening: Friday 01.04.2022 , 17:00-21:00
date: 02.04.2022 - 15.05.2022
opening hours: Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun , 13:00-17:00 & open by appointment (email to
location: Schaesbergerweg 58, 6415 AJ, Heerlen




The gardener’s function is regeneration by Darcy Neven

The gardener’s function is regeneration is a project and presentation by Darcy Neven in Greylight Projects’ garden. Neven shows an overview of her practice with her mobile greenhouse Het Huis (i.e. The House) as the centerpiece. The title of the project is a reference to Clarissa Pinkola Estés´ Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype.

Darcy Neven has been working on this project since 2012. She walked with her mobile greenhouse from Maastricht to Heerlen where it was shown in Schunck Museum as part of the exhibition ‘in search of Sharawadgi’ around the works of Piet Outdolf.

The mobility of the greenhouse makes it a center to gather stories; Neven´s and other people´s stories. For the artist and eco-feminist, gardening is political as it is a form of radical healing by grounding us in an active life of connecting to and learning from the world at large.

Adjacent to Greylight Projects´ garden, in the canteen, the artist will show documentation of her projects and her ceramics. Darcy Neven will be able to sow seeds to have conversations. For the artist, starting these conversations are ways to inspire people to rethink the food industry.

The presentation is the starting point of her artist-in-residency; during her residency she will work in the garden (a former schoolyard) and in the canteen, where she will turn documentation of her projects and stories into a narrative. The residency will run till the end of the gardening season (i.e. autumn).

The presentation The gardener’s function is regeneration by Darcy Neven is part of the STADEXPO in Heerlen organized by ‘PAND.

Darcy Neven (1991) is a visual artist, writer, gardener, and educator of art and ecology.

opening: Friday 01.04.2022 , 17:00-21:00
date: 02.04.2022 - 15.05.2022 & open by appointment (email to
opening hours: Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun , 13:00-17:00
location: Limaweg 3, 6415 XD Heerlen and / or Schaesbergerweg 58, 6415 AJ Heerlen



Greylight Projects is supported by the Mondriaan Fonds for the general program
for the years 2021 & 2022 with a 'Podium Start' grant .
Greylight Projects is supported by the gemeente Heerlen for the #TOKTOK platform.
Greylight Projects is part of #TOKTOK,
platform for cultural initatives in Heerlen.

Greylight Projects is a member of Very Contemporary,
the network of contemporary art venues in the Meuse-Rhine Euregion.

Greylight Projects

mail/ post: Schaesbergerweg 58, 6415 AJ, Heerlen
visit/ bezoek: Limaweg 3, 6415XD, Heerlen
follow us on: facebook - instagram - twitter

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