exhibition: Speaking Soil
exhibition: Speaking Soil
2024 Heerlen
date: 11.04.2024
- 02.06.2024
opening: Wednesday 10.04.2024
, 18:00-21:00artist(s): Salomé IngelbrechtZhixin Angus Liao
Notice-Shade provides, 2023 by Zhixin Angus Liao
Notice-Shade provides, 2023 by Zhixin Angus Liao
archive 2023 Heerlen
billboardspublic space
date: 01.12.2023
- 30.09.2024
artist(s): Zhixin Angus Liao
Studio visit tour (start of the open studio’s weekend)
Studio visit tour (start of the open studio’s weekend)
archive 2023 Heerlen
date: 01.12.2023
opening: Friday 01.12.2023
, 17:00-20:00artist(s): residencyKrista JantowskiSalomé IngelbrechtZhixin Angus Liao
Taal & Café met Zhixin Angus Liao