Display #3 – Kammerspiele

Display #3 – Kammerspiele

fig.1 - Display #3 – Kammerspiele

For the third edition of Display in Greylight Projects in Hoensbroek we invited Berndnaut Smilde to show his work Kammerspiele. The installation was shown earlier in the Bonnefanten museum in Maastricht.

Artist Berndnaut is using his daily surroundings and spaces as inspiration, Smilde is interested in the temporal nature of construction and deconstruction. His work refers to both the physical state of a building as well as a moment of revelation that depicts either hope or fragility. Smilde analyses spaces and their appearance and takes them apart to investigate their unique details and features. His artistic point of view often centers on duality. His works question: inside and outside, temporality, size, the function of materials and architectural elements.


curated by: Wouter Huis
date: 12.03.2016 - 30.05.2016
opening: Friday 11.03.2016 , 17:00-20:00
opening hours: ,

Burgemeester Kessenplein 1, 6431 KM, Hoensbroek (NL)

tags: / / /
category: archive / 2016 / Heerlen / Hoensbroek